Public Relations and Communications

Customized Strategy


We create new business opportunities, helping to meet the right people, talking the same language with an in-depth knowledge of the national, international and specialized media. An activity that we lead thanks to a solid journalistic and international expertise, as press office and external relations representative.

We are professional writers of articles, press releases and original content ready to engage the press and to be shared via social media or within large companies.


Content Localization


We translate and localize marketing and communications contents from English to Italian and Spanish. Documents such as articles, editorials, interviews, press releases, white papers, presentations, data sheets, product sheets, newsletters, etc. Your local or global messages adapted for the European markets.

PR Journey is an Italian Public Relations agency lead by Matteo Sassano, professional with more than 20 years of experience. Based in Verona with partners in Milan and across Europe, PRJ supports startups and traditional companies with a strong background across different industries, including technology and innovation.

“When people talk listen completely. Don't be thinking what you're going to say. Most people never listen”.

Ernest Hemingway